We are happy to report that Fiona Hamilton has agreed to take on Convenor- ship of the Fellowship Team as of Thursday 15th August. Liz Harbinson is our link person on the Kirk Session. Ohna Robertson continues to act as our secretary. We are grateful to all three for their willingness to serve and to the committed members of the team who attend regularly at our monthly meetings.
Events planned by the Fellowship team between August and December 2019 are listed below
- Coffee morning and sale of holiday gifts [in aid of church funds] 7th September.
- Church weekend away to Montrose and surrounding area 11th-13th October.
- Pantomime visit to East Kilbride Theatre [plus visit from Santa] 30th November.
- Christmas Tree Festival [this will take place alongside the Pastoral Care Team’s fund raising coffee morning] 14th December.
The results of the recent congregational survey regarding events which members would like to see provided, will inform the 2020 programme.
Funeral teas
The Fellowship team, recognising the rise in funeral poverty in Scotland, have been discussing the possibility of offering families who engage with our Minis- try team for funerals, a funeral tea at a reduced cost [or at no cost depending on circumstances]. This would be a non-profit making service to the community and could be promoted through our own social media and contact with local undertakers.
The Fellowship team are engaging with other Session Teams to form an ad hoc group to promote Fairtrade fortnight 24th Feb-8th March 2020. It is hoped that this work could inform programmes for our youth organisations, Sunday Club and users of our building. More of this to follow later in the year