Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 30 July 2023 at 10.30am: Summer All-Age Service
Jesus walks on water
Our worship is led by our Deacon Karen Hamilton & Graham Macgregor
Scottish Charity Number SC000061 Christian Copyright Licence Number 203002
Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you!
JP 292 Wide, Wide as the ocean
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Hymn 251 I, the Lord of sea and sky
Prayers of Approach, Confession and Supplication
The Lord’s Prayer (said together)
Bible Reading: Matthew 14.22-34 read by Linda Wunsch
Introduction to the theme
JP 589 Our God is a great big God
Hymn 96 You are before me, God, you are behind
During which the offering is brought forward
Prayers of Dedication, Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 511 Your hand, O God, has guided
Dismissal and Blessing
Amen, amen, alleluia, amen
Please stand as the Bible is taken out
Church Family News
For information on any items please contact the ChurchOffice:0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10am-4pm)
Summer all-age services
Our theme this summer is “The Bible goes to Sea”. Services are shorter than usual, and suitable for all the family. Our final service in this series will be next week: “Paul is shipwrecked” from Acts 27 and 28.:
Thank you to everyone who has lent items to decorate the sanctuary!
Ministry Team summer holidays Rev Peter W Nimmo is on holiday from 17 to 31 July, during which Karen will provide pastoral cover.
Walking Group: Our next walk will be on Saturday 5 August to Stronachlachar, Loch Katrine. There will be a choice of two walks. The ‘high level’ will be along the banks of Loch Katrine to Queen Victoria’s cottage then over a hill and down to Loch Chon. The ‘low level’ will also be along the banks of Loch Katrine to Queen Victoria’s cottage, this group will continue on along the banks of Loch Katrine. Both walks are out and back so the exact length of each walk will depend on what each group of walkers decide on the day. Please meet outside the Church at 8.30am. Travel will be in shared cars.
Reachout Trust – are hoping to have an SU gap year placed with them this year. It has been 4 years since our last gap year left. Over the years SU gap year have been a great asset to the work of the trust and have also supported the work of local churches too. We are excited to hopefully have someone join us this year and look forward to seeing how God will work through and in this young person throughout the year. This year’s student will hopefully join us at the beginning of September and be with us until August next year. We are therefore looking for someone who would be willing to host them for the year. The host family would receive a small amount of money to help with extra costs they would incur, from SU. Could you please let people in your congregations know about this need. Further information available from Karen Hamilton.
Church office is open- every Thursday from 10am to 4pm. Or call 0141 642 9271.
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to Bob McDougall
The Prayer Tree is situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church and community who wishes to add a prayer to it. You can write your prayer on one of the supplied labels, and either put it on the tree or into the prayer box. The ministry team will look at the prayers regularly and pray for you. ‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’ (Jeremiah 29.12).
Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service
Worship this Week at Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 6th August: Summer All-Age Service 10.30am