Cambuslang Parish Church
11 June 2023 at 10.30 am: Second Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 5)
“Matthew the Tax Collector, from
Images are the copyright of the LUMO project (Big Book Media)
Our worship is led by the Rev Peter W. Nimmo
Scottish Charity Number SC000061
Christian Copyright Licence Number 203002
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Hymn 126 Let’s sing to the Lord
Prayers of Approach, Confession and Supplication
The Lord’s Prayer (said together)
Time with the Children
Children’s Prayer
Hymn 194 This is the day
Old Testament Reading: Genesis 12:1-9
Gospel reading: Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 read by Hilary McDougall
Reflective music
Hymn 597 Loving Spirit, you enfold me
During which the offering is brought forward
Prayers of Dedication, Thanksgiving and Intercession
CMP 1072 In Christ alone
Dismissal and Blessing
Amen, amen, alleluia, amen
As the Bible is taken out, we sing:
Hymn CMP 1168 Mighty to save
Church Family News
For information on any items please contact the Church Office:
0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10am-4pm)
Sunday Club for children aged 3 years old to Primary 7 meets in our halls following the Children’s Time – all children welcome! If you have younger children, feel free to stay in church with them, but if you need to leave, the Welcome Area at the main door is available. The Sunday Club Celebration Sunday will be next Sunday at 10.30am.
Summer all-age services During the school summer holidays, our theme will be ‘The Bible goes to Sea’. Services will be shorter than usual, and suitable for all the family. More details next week!
Home Communion The Minister is always delighted to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in the homes of those who are unable to get out and about. If you know of anyone who might like a Home Communion, please get in touch with Peter at any time.
Kirk Session will meet on Tuesday 13 June at 7.30pm.
Pastoral Visitors: The Kirk Session has decided to strengthen our pastoral care by asking for volunteers to help us with pastoral visiting. Training will be given, including on Safeguarding. If you would like to be involved with this, please speak to Peter or Karen.
Seniors’ Visit to The Burrell Collection: Monday 19 June. Coach leaves the church by at 1.30pm, returning to the church about 5pm for fellowship and a fish supper for everyone. You can visit the café in their own time and pay for their snack and tea or coffee. Fish suppers free of charge. Please return reply slips by today.
Dates for your diary:
The Fundraising Committee have organised an evening with by the Arietta Choir on Saturday 30 September. The Christmas Fayre will be on Saturday 18 November. Further details for both events will follow but meantime please put these dates in your diary.
Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: UHT milk, cereals, soup, tinned fruit and custard.
Life and Work has published a FREE four page General Assembly Special Supplement for 2023 summarising some of the key decisions, debates and speeches from the week. There are printed copies in the Welcome Area, and it can be that can be viewed online at In addition to the supplement, a General Assembly report will feature in the July issue of Life and Work magazine; please contact the office if you would like an individual copy or wish to subscribe (or you can do so online).
Church Office: The office will be closed on Thursdays 15 and 22 June. You can leave a message on the answering machine – this will be picked up.
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to Bob McDougall.
Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service
Worship this Week at Cambuslang Parish Church
Tuesday 13 June: Tuesday service at 11.45am
Sunday 18 June: Celebration Sunday- All-Age service at 10.30am
Welcome Team: Jan Ladd, Isobel Allison, Mike Netten, Amanda or Neil Haig
Tea Team: S Jenkins, A Kewley, M Pringle, R Clearie