Cambuslang Parish Church
Maundy Thursday: 6 April 2023
Scottish Charity Number: SC000061
Choir: “Jesu, word of God Incarnate”
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Prayer for illumination
Hymn 484 Great God, your love has called us here
Preparing for the Passover meal: Luke 22.1-13 (GNB)
Prayer of the Day (said together)
Holy God, source of all love,
on the night of his betrayal
Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment,
to love one another as he loved them.
Write this commandment in our hearts;
give us the will to serve others
as he was the servant of all,
who gave his life and died for us,
yet is alive and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever, Amen.
Confession of Sin and the Declaration of Forgiveness
The Peace
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet: John 13.1-17, 34-35 (REB)
Hymn 372 Lord Jesus, as the shadows long are stealing
Invitation to the Sacrament
The Institution of the Sacrament: Luke 22.14-20 (GNB)
The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
at the words ‘who forever sing to the glory of your name’:
Hymn 651 Holy, holy, holy Lord
The Lord’s Prayer
Congregation comes forward to the Table
The Bread and the Cup
Sharing the Bread and Wine
Communion Hymn 675 Now let us from this table rise (Tune 100 Duke Street)
The Words of Comfort and Peace and the Promise of the Holy Spirit: John 14:1-6, 23-27 (REB)
Prayer after Communion
Hymn 374 From heaven you came
The Agony in the Garden and the Arrest: Luke 22.39-53 (GNB)
In the pauses during this reading, we will sing:
Hymn 793 Stay with me (Sung twice)
A time of quiet
As we prepare for Good Friday, we will strip the church of all decoration. You are invited to spend this time in silent reflection and prayer.
The Song of the Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53.2-9 (REB)
Charge to the people
No sung Amen or music; please leave quietly
The readings are from the Good News Bible (GNB) and the Revised English Bible (REB). Thank you to all our readers this evening.
Worship for Good Friday and Easter
Good Friday (7 April) Reflective service, Flemington Hallside Parish Church, 7pm
Easter Sunday (9 April)
9am- All-Age service in Cambuslang Park. Please meet at the play park at the Cairns Road entrance at 9am.
9.45am (approx.) Easter breakfast at the church, following the park service.
10.30am Easter Sunday service in the church
Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP
Deacon: Karen Hamilton DCS 07514402612 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK