It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of our session with the boys and girls who come to our Sunday Club. You see them and hear them every Sunday. They are enthusiastic and love to participate in the Church service and that carries on when we are through in the halls. They love playing games, hearing a story and doing a craft. A few weeks ago, Rev Sheila Blount came through to have a talk with them and teach them a wee prayer with actions. She asked them what they knew about Jesus. The time that every leader though…… “Oh No” there will be silence…… to our surprise and delight there wasn’t. They chatted away to Sheila telling her different stories that they knew about Jesus. As leaders you never know what they take in, and they all knew a lot, so we were relieved that they remembered what they had been taught.
We have great fun with the young folk in our church. Our celebration Sunday will be on Sunday the 16th June, our very talented senior age group have been organising the service to include as many of the Sunday Club Children to take part. We look forward to that service. The following week on the 23rd of June we will be having a games day with some “goodies” to finish off our session.
We want to encourage the children and Parents to continue coming throughout the summer so please take note of the article about Summer Services and help us out by putting your name on the Rota please.
Next session in August we will be starting afresh. Over the past few years some Sunday club leaders have stepped Down, this year Susan, Fiona, Anne Marie and Alison are “retiring”. Yes, they will be a loss and the Young folk will miss them. Over the years they have watched them grow in body and their faith and have become good friends. But they feel that it is time to step Back and let others come in with their thoughts and ideas. We thank them for all that they have done in Teaching our young folk and wish them well as they will be enjoying worship in our service. This Just leaves Nicola left as a continuing leader. She is going to be the main leader and we thank Nicola for taking this on. Nicola has set up a Facebook page that we can put pictures of what the children do each week. This is very Much appreciated by Parents and Family members who can see what their children have been doing in the Sunday Club during the service. Because it has pictures of the Children it is a closed group, unfortunately you cannot see them. But you will see them with their various pieces of Artwork.
Nicola had 3 Young boys, so she needs our help and Support.
We are grateful for the people have agreed to help and become Leaders. We look forward to the direction they will take to our Sunday Club with their thoughts and ideas. We can always use others to help then it can be a rota, so please speak to Nicola if you could come through for a month or for ever 1st Sunday of the month for example.
Thank you for all the support the Church give,