

Cambuslang Parish Church

Sunday 20 October 2024 at 10.30am

Our worship is led by Rev David Denniston

Scottish Charity Number SC000061

Christian Copyright Licence Number 20302

Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you!

Choir Introit


Welcome, Introduction and Call to Worship

Praise the Lord, my soul

O Lord my God, how great you are

You are clothed with majesty and glory

You cover yourself with light.

(from Psalm 104)

SONG            God welcomes all

God welcome all,

strangers and friends;

God’s love is strong

and it never ends

HYMN 127    O worship the King

Prayer of Approach and Confession and Lord’s Prayer


Chat with Children   ‘The best seat in the house’

HYMN 374    From heaven you came

Bible Readings                     Isaiah 52:13-53:10

Mark10: 35-45                  Read by Sarah Dinwoodie

HYMN 55       Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Ps 91)

Sermon                      ‘Greatness and Service’

Music for Reflection

MP 975                      Before the throne of God above

Offering Presented

Prayer of Dedication, Thanksgiving, and Intercession

HYMN 392    When I survey

Blessing and Amen

Church Family News

Office phone 0141 642 9271

Sunday Club: Children age 3 and up are invited to join us in the halls following the Children’s Time or are welcome to stay in church during the service. We also have a crèche room available.

Karen Holidays: I will be on holiday from the 12th of October until 26th October inclusive. I will be back on Sunday the 27th, if I have remembered to put my clock back.  ????

The Lord’s Prayer: The Kirk Session have agreed to a slight amendment to the version of the Lord’s Prayer we use in our services to bring it into line with the most widely used modern version of the prayer (and as it appears in the Church of Scotland’s Book of Common Order). This will simply involve us saying ‘on earth as in heaven’ in place of ‘on earth as it is in heaven’. This very small change will be introduced from the beginning of November and for a few weeks the amended version will appear in print on the Order of Service.

The Guild: On Monday the 21st October the Guild are to have a talk from our Locum Minister, the Rev. David Denniston. Please remember to return your Sunshine Bags at this meeting.

The Neighbourly will meet on Wednesday 23rd October at 2.15 pm in the Small Hall. The speaker will be Mrs Liz Allan. All welcome.

C&R Reachout Trust: are having a big birthday celebration as it’s turning 30 this year on Saturday 26th October, starting with our AGM at 11am followed by lunch at 12.30, then a celebration of the last 30 years followed by the commissioning for Laura and Shona and prayer for the team as we set out to serve God in Cambuslang and Rutherglen. We would love as many people as possible to join us for this. As part of this event, we are gathering memories and photographs from Reachout events over the last 30 years. Could you please ask people to send these items to: moc.kooltuonull@trrc.anohs or 1 Arnott Way Cambuslang, G72 7JQ.

One-day Holiday Club: on Monday the 11th November, Burnside Blairbeth Church are running a holiday club for the cluster and need some volunteers. We need people to lead groups and also people in the kitchen to prepare sandwiches for lunch. If you can help, please contact Shona Baird email: moc.kooltuonull@trrc.anohs

ITS PANTO TIME – oh yes, it is!!!!! Theatre South Productions present “Sleeping Beauty – a family pantomime: Tuesday 3rd December to Friday 6th December at 7pm, and on Saturday there are three performances – at 11am is a ASN friendly performance. There is a matinee at 2:30pm and evening performance at 7:30pm. Tickets are available NOW via

Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to 0ur Halls Convenor, Derek Burns: moc.liamgnull@cpcsnrubkered

Ohna Robertson will be delighted to receive your announcements by Wednesday at 12 noon for inclusion in the Order of Service: moc.dlrowltnnull@nostrebor.anho

Worship at Cambuslang Parish Church

The Tuesday Service on 22nd October at 11.45am

Sunday 27 October: 10.30am – Service led by Rev David Denniston.

Welcome Team: Colin Fell, Elaine Fell, Fiona Tennent

Tea Team: Jan Ritchie, Ann Boyd, June Smith, Robert Dickie


Interim Moderator: The Rev Derek Hughes T: 07723 578573

Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@sehguhd

Locum Minister: David Denniston  T:07903 926727

Email: moc.liamgnull@divad.notsinned

Deacon: Karen Hamilton DCS T: 07514 402612

Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notimaHK