Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 17 September 2023 at 10.30am: Proper 19
Our worship is led by
Karen Hamilton DCS
Scottish Charity Number SC000061
Christian Copyright Licence Number 2030
Welcome to worship!
Welcome and Announcements
Call to worship
Hymn 465: Be though my vision
Prayer of approach and confession (with Lord’s prayer)
All Age talk
Hymn MP 1168 Everyone needs compassion (strong to save)
Bible reading: Jeremiah 29:1-14 read by Jeanette Alexander
Reflective Music
MP 1185: I see the king of Glory
Prayers of dedication, thanksgiving and intercession
Hymn 512 To God be the Glory
Amen, amen, alleluia, amen
Church Family News
For information on any items please contact the Church Office: 0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10m-4pm)
Sunday Club for children aged 3 years old to Primary 7 meets in our halls following the Children’s Time – all children welcome! If you have younger children, feel free to stay in church with them, but if you need to leave, the Welcome Area at the main door is available.
Tuesday Service: Please note there will be a Tuesday service this week & it will be held in the Morriston Room at 11.45a.m.
Kirk Session will meet in the Morriston Room on Tuesday 19 September 2023 at 7.30pm.
Country dancing will start back on Thursday 5 October in the Kirkhill downstairs hall, 7.45-9.30pm. I’m looking forward to meeting new members for the first time.
The Arietta Choir will be performing in the Church on Saturday 30 September at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £10. Refreshments will be available after the performance in the large hall. Tickets can be purchased from. Tony Neeson, Janet Stewart, Ohna Robertson, Alison Thomson and Bob McDougall. Monies raised from this event will go towards church funds.
Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: UHT milk, soup, tinned meat, tinned fruit and instant meals.
Minister’s absence: Peter continues to be on leave of absence due to a recurrence of the fatigue he had after Covid. Glasgow Presbytery have appointed Rev Derek Hughes as the Interim Moderator. Peter is grateful for your prayers and good wishes.
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to Bob McDougall.
Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service.
Worship this Week at Cambuslang Parish Church
Tuesday 19 September: Tuesday service at 11.45am
Sunday 24 September (Proper 20): 10.30am
Welcome Team: Bob McDougall, David Black, Alison Thomson
Tea Team: Ohna Robertson, Carolann Brown, A McNabe, Colin Fell