Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 2 July 2023 at 10.30am: Summer All-Age Service
The Bible Goes to Sea: 1 The Waters of Creation
Our worship is led by the Rev Peter W. Nimmo

Scottish Charity Number SC000061
Christian Copyright Licence Number 203002
Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you!
Please stand as the Bible is brought in, and we sing:
JP 292 Wide, Wide as the ocean
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Hymn: MP 18 All over the world the Spirit is moving
Prayers of Approach, Confession and Supplication
The Lord’s Prayer (said together)
Bible Reading: Genesis 1.1-13 read by Liz Harbinson
Time with the children
Hymn 143 Who put the colours in the rainbow
A Year as a Moderator: talk by Hilary Mcdougall
Hymn 593 She sits like a bird
During which the offering is brought forward
Prayers of Dedication, Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 531 My Jesus, my saviour
Dismissal and Blessing
Amen, amen, alleluia, amen
Please stand as the Bible is taken out

Church Family News For information on any items please contact the ChurchOffice:0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10am-4pm) Summer all-age services Starting today, July 2, our theme will be “The Bible goes to Sea” Services will be shorter than usual, and suitable for all the family. The weekly themes will be: |

July 2 | The Waters of Creation: Genesis 1.1-13 |
July 9 | Moses crosses the Red Sea: Exodus 14.10-31 |
July 16 | Jonah tries to escape on a boat: Jonah 1.1-17, 3.1-13 (We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism on this Sunday) |
July 23 | Jesus calms the storm: Matthew 8.23-27 |
July 30 | Jesus walks on water: Matthew 14.22-34 |
August 6 | Paul is shipwrecked: Acts 27 and 28 |
YOU CAN HELP! We are looking for items to decorate the sanctuary, and to use in the services, to do with the sea, boats, water etc. For example: could you lend us a model ship, an inflatable dingy, a fishing tackle or a fishing net, nautical charts, life jackets, flags, ropes- anything to do with water, boats and ships (no matter how large or small)? Just bring them along on Sundays or contact Peter or Karen.
Holiday Club for P1- P7 children (last academic year) on 1 and 2 August, 9.30am to 4.30pm at Flemington Hallside Church. Outside games, snacks and drinks, crafts and stories. Lunch will be provided. Sign-up is now open: You can also find this link on the CPC Sunday Groups Facebook page.
A wedding invitation! Kornilia Theodorou and William McIntosh would like to invite you all to their wedding service on Sunday 23 July at 3.30pm, at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St Luke, 27 Dundonald Road, Glasgow G12 9LL. All welcome.
The ‘Churches Group’ Men’s breakfast Saturday 8 July, at Wetherspoons in Cambuslang. We start at 8.30-8.45am, each person orders and pays for their own breakfast. We eat, drink and chat till around 9.30-10am. All are welcome.
Ministry Team summer holidays Deacon Karen Hamilton will be on holiday from 30 June to 13 July inclusive, during which Peter will provide pastoral cover. Rev Peter W Nimmo will be on holiday from 17 to 31 July, during which Karen will provide pastoral cover.
Remembrance Poppy Installation Project: Please recycle and bring empty round based plastic bottles, milk bottle caps, left over red wool and large black buttons for the Poppy Project. They can be left in the large green bag in the welcome area. We will be looking for volunteers to make and paint plastic poppies after the summer. If you knit or crochet Lorna Morrison will give you a pattern and wool to make poppies. Let’s make this use of talents a time of fun and fellowship. Any queries contact Lorna Morrison.
Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: UHT milk, soup tinned veg, tinned fruit and sugar.
Kylbride Hospice Drop-in Service is resuming. They are welcoming those with a life-limiting illness and their carers to attend the hospice if they need support or have any questions for their clinical team. The service is open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm.
Mission Possible Conference: The Presbytery of Glasgow is holding a ‘Mission Possible’ conference at St Rollox Parish Church on 9 September from 10am – 3pm, with keynote speaker Martin Fair. Seminar streams will look at reaching out with our faith through missional listening, pioneering and planting, community development, health and wellbeing, and collaborative relationships. A reflective space is being curated by Peter Gardner. Please book via Eventbrite at
Church office is open- every Thursday from 10am to 4pm or call 0141 642 9271
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to Bob McDougall
Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service
Worship this Week at Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 9 July (Proper 9): 10.30am
Welcome Team: Allan Brown, Jeanette Alexander, Linda Wunsch, Nancy McIlree
Tea Team: May & Archie Fotheringham, Jan Ladd