Sunday 6th November at 10.30am
Our worship is led by Mrs Karen Hamilton, our Deacon.
The preacher is the Minister, the Rev Peter W Nimmo
Scottish Charity Number: SC000061
Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you!
Order of Service: 6 November 2022 (Proper 27: Year C)
Welcome and announcements
Call to worship
Hymn 559 There is a redeemer
Prayer of Approach and Confession and The Lord’s Prayer
All age talk
Hymn 185 Come children join to sing
Gospel reading: Luke 20.27-38 read by Sarah Dinwoodie
Sermon Rev Peter W Nimmo
Reflective music
Hymn 186 Father God I wonder (sung twice)
During which the offering is brought forward
Prayers of Dedication, Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 167 Guide me, O though great Jehovah
Blessing and Amen
Church Family News
Please note that next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and our youth organisations will be on parade. There will be an act of remembrance at noon at the war memorial in Cambuslang Park.
Poppies are on sale today in the Welcome Area. Cambuslang Parish Church have always been very generous in their donations to this worthy cause. We shall remember them.
Thank you to Mr Graham MacGregor who led us in worship last Sunday. Graham is a Reader in training and will be commencing his last training placement shortly. We wish Graham every blessing as he continues to follow God’s call on his life.
It is with great sadness that the death of Mrs Betty Bowman is shared with the congregation. Betty was a longstanding member of the congregation and died on Saturday 22nd October. Betty’s funeral will be here in the church on 30 November at 1pm, followed by a committal at Westburn Cemetery. Please remember Betty’s family in your prayers.
Phoenix Choir concert in aid of church funds – the concert is taking place in the sanctuary on Sunday 20th November at 2pm. Tickets are now on sale from members of the Fundraising Team, Tony Neeson, Robert Dickie, Alison Thomson, Janet Stewart and Bob McDougall and Ohna Robertson.
The Guild will meet on Monday 7th November. The speaker will be Michaela Foster Marsh who will speak about this year’s Guild project, STARCHILD [finding the light in every child.] The project supports children in Uganda who have autism and other additional needs as well as their families. If you have sunshine bags to return, please bring them along too! Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Neighbourly – the Neighbourly will be meeting on Wednesday 9th November at 2.15pm in the Small Hall. Their speaker will be
Dr David Porter. All are welcome.
Kirk Session – Change of Date – Please note the Kirk Session meeting scheduled for 22nd November will now be held on 6th December.
Pastoral Care Team lunch [with entertainment] for senior members and friends. This event for over 70’s who attend worship in CPC [Sundays and/or Tuesdays] will take place on Thursday 17th November 1-3.15pm in the Large Hall. Your invitation is available today for you to pick up in the Welcome Area.
Upcoming services
- Sunday 20th November – Worship leaders, Rev Peter Nimmo and Karen Hamilton, our Deacon.
- Sunday 27th November – first Sunday in Advent
The Country Dance Club is taking place on Thursday evenings in the Kirkhill Halls on Cairns Rd at 7.30pm. A warm welcome is extended to all.
Remembering service – 27th November at 3pm in CPC
This parish grouping service is for anyone who has lost a loved one and would like to remember them in a Christian context.
The Prayer Tree is situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church and community who wishes to add a prayer to it.
‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’ Jeremiah 29 v12
Hilary will be delighted to receive your intimations by Wednesday at 5pm each week for inclusion on the Order of Service. moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih
Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP
Please note, Rev Nimmo is currently on a phased return to work.
For pastoral matters please contact Karen Hamilton, our Deacon or the church office.
ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK 07514402612
Church Office: 0141 642 9271
Session Clerk: ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@krelcnoisses
Dates for your diary
Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday with organisations on parade
23rd-26th November – Theatre South Productions performs
Cinderella with some familiar faces and plenty of laughs for the family. Tickets will be released in September.
Sunday 27th November – Parish Grouping Remembering service 3pm in CPC
Sunday 4th December – Communion
Saturday 10th December [morning] – Christmas songs and carols singalong with tea, coffee and home baking.
Saturday 10th December [all day] – Christmas Tree festival
Saturday 10th December – Community Carol Concert 3pm
Sunday 11th December – Christmas Gift Service; gifts for children, younger adults and adults will be welcomed and donated to Barnardo’s 16+ and Women’s Aid.
Sunday 18th December – Nativity Play
Saturday 24th December – services tbc
Sunday 25th December – Family worship
Sunday 8th January – Parish Grouping service
We welcome the return of our minister,
Rev Peter Nimmo.
We are delighted that our minister Peter is back with us. Peter is on a phased return to work and during this time he will be on amended duties as agreed with the National Church and Presbytery. Peter will be increasing his duties over a 6 week period until the 5th December at which point he hopes to be back at work full time. During this phased return, Karen Hamilton our Deacon, will be the main point of contact for pastoral matters.
As members of the congregation, our calling as brothers and sisters in Christ, is to support Peter in his return to work. The Presbytery is supporting the congregation and Peter, by allowing Rev Derek Hughes to remain as Interim Moderator during Peter’s phased return. Derek will be available to Peter, elders and members of the congregation during this time and will moderate the next Kirk Session meeting on the 6th December.
Derek can be contacted at ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@sehguHD