


Sunday 15th May at

We are delighted to welcome

Rev Ian Cathcart of Flemington Hallside Church to lead us in worship this morning. Ian and Darren, our Probationer minister, are undertaking a Parish Grouping pulpit swap today.

Choir Introit: Angel voices ever ringing

Welcome and intimations – Session Clerk

Call to worship: Psalm 25:1,4&5

Hymn: CH4 512 To God be the glory

Prayer of adoration, confession and Lord’s prayer

Children’s time: Daniel

Hymn: My God’s the King of giants [YouTube clip]

Bible Readings:   Daniel 1:1-10Alastair MacFarlane

Hymn: CH4 533 Will you come and follow me?

(during which the offering is brought to the Table)


Reflective music: All I need is you

Hymn:  Trust in you [YouTube clip]     

Prayer of thanksgiving and intercession and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: CH4 458 At the Cross of Jesus    


Church Family News

Meet & 2 veg A new Kirk Session project called ‘Meet & 2 veg’ is up and running on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 9 15 – 10pm. This enables surplus food from supermarkets to be distributed free of charge, from the church building to anyone in our community.

We are looking for volunteers to help collect items from Greggs in Western Rd and Tesco in Hamilton Rd between 8 15 – 8 45 pm and bring to the church building. If you can help, please contact Jan Ritchie 0141 583 2018.

Summer strollers – the first of the Walking Groups summer walks will take place on Thursday 19th May. The destination is Strathclyde Park, and the walk is a 4 mile stroll up and down the South Calder Water. Those intending to come on the walk should meet outside the Church at 6:30 pm. Travel to the park will be in shared cars.

Forthcoming events – dates for your diary

Jubilee celebration tea and strawberry Tarts after the service on Sunday 5th June

Sunday Groups Celebration Sunday – 12th June

An Arts and Crafts exhibition will take place in the church halls in late October, over Friday evening and Saturday. You will be able to display your artistic talent for painting making crafts, cards etc to a wider audience.

As part of the exhibition, we will be organising an art competition for the children which will be arranged in age groups. We will invite the children to create an art work of their own choice over the summer holiday, (details to follow), so keep an eye on the church order of service for more details

Any questions / suggestions, please speak to Alastair MacFarlane or Tony Neeson.

The next Kirk Session meeting will take place on Tuesday 31st May at 7.30pm. If you are not able to attend, please send your apologies to our Session Clerk, Scott Hamilton. ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@krelcnoisses

Do you remember some years ago, we invited people to bring back a tea towel from their holidays for the church kitchen? We had a tremendous response then; however, we appear to have worn them out! Here is a challenge – let’s see if we can gather 20 tea towels from our outings and holidays this year. We’ll make a display in the church hall in September, and we’ll see how many towns and countries have benefitted from a visit from a member of Cambuslang parish Church. Hand your tea towel to Anna Inglis or Hilary McDougall for safekeeping in the meantime. Confession – Hilary and Bob forgot to bring back a tea towel from their recent holiday! Must try harder!

With rising costs affecting many more families in our community, the Foodbank is grateful for all your donations. Currently, stocks of jam, tinned fish, coffee and UHT milk are low. If you are able to help with any of these particular items or other items of your choice, please place them in the boxes in the vestibule or Welcome Area.

Do you enjoy singing? Our choir is looking for new members. If you enjoy singing and would like to join with others, come along to the church on Monday at 7.30pm. More details available from Tim McCabe.

The Prayer Tree is situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church and community who wishes to add a prayer to it.

‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’  Jeremiah 29 v12

Hilary will be delighted to receive news/intimations for the Order of Service. Please send them to moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih    0141 641 8574

Scottish Charity Number: SC000061