Sunday 10th April at
Today is Palm Sunday

We welcome our Interim Moderator,
Rev Derek Hughes,
to lead us in worship this morning.
Scottish Charity Number: SC000061
Choir Introit: There is a green hill far away
Announcements – Session Clerk
Welcome, Introduction and call to worship
Hymn: MP 457 Make way! Make way! For Christ the King
Opening prayer and Lord’s prayer
Chat with the children
Hymn: MP 242 Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest
Bible Readings: The Gospel of Matthew chapter 21:1-11 Ishbel Gow
Hymn: CH4 364 All glory, laud and honour
Good news from God’s Word
Reflective music: Take up your cross
Prayer of thanks and prayers for people
Hymn: MP 449 Ride on, ride on in majesty [tune Winchester New]
(during which the offering is brought to the Table)
Benediction and Amen
Entry of the cross – please remain standing if you are able
Church Family News

Travel through Holy Week at our Parish Grouping/ecumenical services. Please see below for details.

Following the most recent guidance from the Church of Scotland regarding face coverings, the Back to Church Group has agreed that from this Sunday it should be the choice of each individual member of the congregation whether to wear a face covering within the sanctuary or not. However, for those attending worship this Sunday and next, you are still encouraged to wear a face covering when entering the church building or moving between the sanctuary and any other part of the building eg the halls. Further information will follow regarding the position after 18th April when all restrictions are due to come to an end.
Easter breakfast There will be breakfast provided in the church hall after the early service in Cambuslang Park on Easter morning. If you would like to attend, please sign up on the sheet in the Welcome Area or on the sheet which is on the stage in the Large Hall. Last chance today!
Easter eggsitement – Easter craft activities for families at CPC on Friday 15th April 10-12pm
Messy Church at Flemington Hallside Church on Saturday 16th April 3-5pm
Pastoral Care Team Special Communion Service

The Pastoral Care Team would like to invite senior members of our church who are 70 years of age and over, along with friends in the same age group who worship in Cambuslang Parish Church on Sundays and Tuesdays, to join with us in a special service of communion on Thursday, 28th April at 1.30pm. Tea will be provided in the large hall following this special service. It will be lovely to see all our friends again. Invitations giving more details are waiting for you on the table outside the church office, as you leave the church this morning.
Forthcoming services
Sunday 17th April Easter Sunday and baptism – Darren Jalland and Hilary McDougall
Sunday 24th April – Darren Jalland
Parish Grouping/ecumenical Holy Week services are as follows:
Monday 11th April | St Cadoc’s Stations of the Cross | 7pm |
Tuesday 12th April | Cambuslang Parish Service led by: Rev Paul Fletcher of St Cuthbert’s Tea and coffee after the service | 7.30pm |
Wednesday 13th April | Flemington Hallside Service led by: members of Flemington Hallside Tea and coffee after the service | 7.30pm |
Thursday 14th April | Cambuslang Parish Service led by: Rev Ian Cathcart of Flemington Hallside | 7.30pm |
Friday 15th April | CPC service led by Darren Jalland | 7.30pm |
Sunday 17th April | Cathkin Braes service Service in Cambuslang Park followed by breakfast in the church hall [please ensure you sign up for breakfast] Easter family service | 8.30am 9am at Cairns Rd entrance to Park 10.30am |