


Sunday 2nd April at

Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair.

Our service of worship is led this morning by

Mr Darren Jalland, our Probationer Minister and Mrs Karen Hamilton our Deacon.

Scottish Charity Number:    SC000061

Welcome to worship this morning – it’s good to see you.

Choir Introit:  Psalm 116 I love the Lord because he heard

Welcome, Introduction and call to worship

Hymn: MP 799 All I once held dear

Prayer of Approach

Chat with the children

Hymn: MP 809 Blessed be the name of the Lord

Introduction to Bible readings

Bible Readings:  Philippians 3:4b-14, John 12:1-8

                                                                  Colin Fell


Reflective music: Who would true valour see

Hymn: MP 170 Give thanks with a grateful heart

      (during which the offering is brought to the Table)

Prayer of thanksgiving and intercession and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: CH4 512 To God be the glory

 Benediction and Amen                                      

Church Family News

Easter breakfast There will be breakfast provided in the church hall after the early service in Cambuslang Park on Easter morning.  If you would like to attend, please sign up on the sheet in the Welcome Area or on the sheet which is on the stage in the Large Hall.

Daffodil Tea with Bring and Buy sale. On Monday 3rd April the Guild will conclude their session of meetings with a Daffodil Afternoon Tea and a Bring and Buy sale.  Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the fun and hospitality.

This week – Reachout Easter Holiday Club for p4-p7 at Flemington Hallside Church 5th and 6th April, 9.30am-4pm each day

Easter eggsitement – Easter craft activities for families at CPC on Friday 15th April 10-12pm

Messy Church at Flemington Hallside Church on Saturday 16th April

A musical evening with the Arietta Choir and with refreshments on Saturday 23rd April – tickets priced at £10 are on sale today and available from Tony Neeson, Alison Thomson, Bob McDougall, Ohna  Robertson and Robert Dickie.

Forthcoming services

Sunday 10th April [Palm Sunday] Rev Derek Hughes, Interim Moderator

Sunday 17th April Easter Sunday and baptism [worship leader tbc]

Parish Grouping/ecumenical Holy Week services are as follows:

Parish Grouping/ecumenical Holy Week services are as follows:

Monday 11th AprilSt Cadoc’s Stations of the Cross  7pm
Tuesday 12th AprilCambuslang Parish Service led by: Rev Paul Fletcher of St Cuthbert’s Tea and coffee after the service7.30pm
Wednesday 13th AprilFlemington Hallside Service led by: tbc Tea and coffee after the service7.30pm
Thursday 14th AprilCambuslang Parish Service led by: Rev Ian Cathcart of Flemington Hallside7.30pm
Friday 15th AprilEach congregation will worship in their own church7.30pm
Sunday 17th AprilCathkin Braes service    

Service in Cambuslang Park followed by breakfast in the church hall [please ensure you sign up for breakfast]    

Easter family service

9am at Cairns Rd entrance to Park  


Contact us

For pastoral matters please contact either our Deacon, Karen Hamilton or Probationer Minister Assistant: Darren Jalland

ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@dnallaJD 07846506367

ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK  07514402612

Church office: 0141 642 9271 ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@eciffo