News to the Pews

News To The Pews


Kirk Session were informed by the Interim Moderator that the Rev. Peter Nimmo would preach as Sole Nominee on Sunday 23rd February. Kirk Session were delighted with this news which would be relayed to the Congregation on Sunday 26th January. The Kirk Session thanked the Nominating Committee for their work in getting us to this point.

It was delightful to have four members of the congregation ordained as Elders on Sunday 26th January, namely Sean Adediran, Archie Fotheringham, Heather Hamilton, and Graham MacGregor. Bob McDougall had previously been readmitted as a Serving Elder. Kirk Session look forward to their input.
Bob McDougall as part of the Finance Team spoke of the way forward from the Strategic Plan which had the support of the Treasurer and Session Clerk. A Fundraising team and a Stewardship Team will be formed. This is necessary in an effort to increase our income. Mr. Colin Fell has commenced as Treasurer and has expressed shock at the amount of money required to pay our routine bills. This paper also included thoughts on ways to encourage Church Growth of which more will be said later.

Reachout will move into the upstairs room (former Print Room) at the end of January leaving the house at Cairns Road available to rent when some cosmetic work has been carried out.

During the vacancy we have rented out the Manse in Stewarton Drive which is bringing in some extra income for Church funds.

A hot drinks machine, which was donated, has been placed in the Welcome area. When plumbed in it will be available for use.

The new Caretaker, Mr. John Lilley, has been appointed and has commenced work. This appointment has been made possible by the commitment of an anonymous donor to supply the necessary Finance for 2 years in the first instance. The Kirk Session are extremely grateful for this generous donation.

The Christmas Tree Festival was well attended, and it was noted some of those attending were not regular Church attenders.