News to the Pews

News to the Pews

The Rev. Jonathon Keefe intimated that he would oversee the voting for the Nominating Committee but thereafter would be resigning as Interim Moderator.  He indicated that he was very sorry to leave but could not, in all conscience, remain in view of the Kirk Session’s decision to depart from the Church’s practice and doctrine and thereby allow the appointment of a minister in a same sex relationship or civil partnership.   Rev. Keefe has agreed to stay in post until a new Interim Moderator is appointed.

Kirk Session discussed the arrangements for electing a Nominating Committee.   Once this Committee is formed, we can progress to advertise and hopefully, interview applicants.

A Church barbecue has been arranged on Sunday 9th June at 7pm.  This is being arranged for Youth Organisations and Groups.  An invitation has been sent to all Youth Groups and a warm invitation is extended to all.

The Electoral Register of the Church has been reviewed and agreed by Kirk Session.

The Youth Assembly will be held in August and the Finance Team will discuss supporting some of our Young people to attend.

Glasgow Presbytery has agreed that we can sell the Manse and purchase a more modern house.   We must wait for confirmation from 121 before marketing the property.

Mrs. Alison Thomson has been appointed as Line Manager to the Deacon – Mrs. Karen Hamilton.

The Fabric Team are seeking estimates to install wrought iron railings around the Church.    This will only happen if we can obtain a grant for the majority of the cost.   The Team are also looking to have the flat roof repaired.   Two contractors have submitted estimates and await a third estimate.   All the repairs would carry a 25year guarantee.

It was agreed that Leaders of Reachout and the Scripture Union would be invited to come and speak to the congregation as a result of the decision by Scripture Union to accentuate their Christian Ethos which has been accepted by Reachout. 

The sum of £474.37 was collected from the Christian Aid envelopes in the Pews.  The Tuesday morning services will finish on Tuesday 25th June and will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. The services will resume after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September