Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 4 August 2024 at 10.30am:
Songs of Praise
Our worship is led by Rev David Denniston
Scottish Charity Number SC000061
Christian Copyright Licence Number 20302
Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you!
Hymn 397 (vs 1-4) In the Cross of Christ
Welcome and Announcements
Call to worship
Come, let us praise the Lord!
Let us sing for joy to God who protects us
Let us come before him with thanksgiving;
and sing joyful songs of praise.
Hymn 561 Blessed Assurance
MP 1012 These are the Days of Elijah
Prayer of Approach and Confession and Lord’s Prayer
Hymn My Lighthouse
Bible Reading Philippians 4: 4-9 Read by Margaret Black
Hymn 137 All Things Bright and Beautiful
Hymn introduced by Margaret Black
MP 269 I do not know what lies ahead
MP 1055 Here I am Waiting (On Eagles’ Wings)
Jesus & Peter ‘The Sun Dances’
Hymn 154 O Lord my God (How Great thou art)
Offering presented
Prayer of Dedication, Thanksgiving & Intercession
Hymn introduced by Shona Jenkins
Hymn 476 Mine eyes have seen the Glory
Blessing and Amen
Please remain standing as the Bible is taken out of church, and we sing together:
Hymn 804 You shall go out with joy
Followed by our ‘Festival Picnic’!!
Church Family News
For information on any items please contact the Church Office: 0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10m-4pm) Closed until 22nd August
Summer Sunday Services will have a Music Festival theme Today will be followed by a Church Family picnic in the church grounds or halls if it is a rainy day, hope you’ve brought your goodies with you but if you’ve forgotten plenty of local shops to get sandwiches etc.
Sunday Club: We will stay in church throughout the Summer for our all-age themed services as the Sunday club leaders take a rest. Everybody is always welcomed to our Worship.
Young folk: At the front of the church there are musical instruments and colouring in sheets & pens. Please help yourself to use during the service. You are also welcome to take previous weeks sheets.
Cambuslang Death Café – this afternoon in the small hall at 12noon. To share thoughts & stories about something that impacts us all. Chat some tea & yummy cakes.
Lorna Morrison is taking part in the CHAS (Children’s Hospice Across Scotland) Knit in August Challenge to raise funds for this very deserving charity. She will have a sponsor sheet and will be looking for sponsors over the next few Sundays. Many thanks.
Thank you to the church family for your prayers for Ferne and Rachel and John over the last 12 months and for the many cards which the family received after Ferne’s death. Without such support it would have made this difficult time even harder to bear. It is comforting to know that we are part of a loving community sustained by a loving God. Hilary and Bob McDougall.
Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: rice pudding, macaroni cheese, baked beans and sausage, sugar, UHT milk, tea, coffee and jam.
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to our Halls Convenor Derek Burns email: moc.liamgnull@cpcsnrubkered
Ohna Robertson will be delighted to receive your announcements by Wednesday at 12 noon for inclusion in the Order of Service: moc.dlrowltnnull@nostrebor.anho
Alison Thomson – has once again agreed to print the Orders of Service whilst I am on holiday, but intimations should still be sent to the Ohna Robertson. Church office emails will not be read until I return on 22nd August. Thank you Alison! Linda Wunsch
Worship at Cambuslang Parish Church
The Tuesday Services are now finished for the summer and will start again on 3rd September.
Sunday 11 August: 10.30am – Holiday club service
Led by Rev David Denniston & maybe some others!
Welcome Team: Charlie Burns, Lorna Morrison, Ishbel Gow, Katharina Nimmo
Tea Team: Anna Inglis, Isobel Allison, Eleanor Ferguson, Jim Ferguson
Interim Moderator: The Rev Derek Hughes T: 07723 578573
Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@sehguhd
Locum Minister: David Denniston – moc.liamgnull@divad.notsinned
Deacon: Karen Hamilton DCS T: 07514 402612