Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 17 March 2024 at 10.30am
5th Sunday of Lent
Our worship is led by Rev David Denniston
Scottish Charity Number SC000061
Christian Copyright Licence Number 20302
Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you!
Choir Introit
Welcome, Introduction and Call to Worship
God, whose life holds all life;
God, of all time and every place;
We gather here before you in faith
Christ, whose human feet have walked our roads and
paths, who shows us the way ahead;
We gather here before you in faith
Spirit, who is present with us and among us,
healing, comforting, transforming, and liberating;
We gather here before you in faith
HYMN 356 Meekness and Majesty we stand to sing
MP 619 Such love we sit to sing
Prayer of Approach and Confession and Lord’s Prayer
Chat with the Children ‘Wiped Clean’
HYMN 559 There is a Redeemer
Bible Readings Jeremiah 31: 31-34
John 12: 20-33 read by Margaret Black
HYMN 21 Lord, teach me all your ways (Psalm 25)
Sermon ‘From the heart’
Music for Reflection
A Litany for Lent
As we reflect upon God’s word to us today, and on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus, let us ask him to have mercy upon us, as we share in the repeated response of this Litany…
Son of Mary
Have mercy on us
Carpenter of Nazareth
Have mercy on us
Healer of the sick
Have mercy on us
Bringer of good news
Have mercy on us
Saviour of the poor
Have mercy on us
Disturber of the mighty
Have mercy on us
Contradictor of the smooth
Have mercy on us
Destroyer of false religion
Have mercy on us
You who moves towards Jerusalem,
trailing hope and hell behind you
Have mercy on us
You who calls us sister, mother, brother, friend
and who asks us to come with you
Have mercy on us
HYMN 490 Jesus, Lover of my soul
Offering Presented
Prayer of Dedication, Thanksgiving, and Intercession
Blessing and Amen
Easter services.
24th March 2024 10.30am
Tuesday 26th March :7pm Stations of the Cross at St Brides. Greenlees Rd.
Thursday 28th March Communion: Maundy Thursday – 7pm at Flemington Hallside Church, Hutchison Place. G72 8XX.
Friday 29th March : 7 pm Good Friday service at Cambuslang Church
Easter Sunday 31st March
9am Easter service at Cairns Road, near football pitch of Cambuslang Park.
Bring a boiled egg to roll down the hill.
9.30am approx. :Breakfast in Cambuslang Church. please sign up to help with catering numbers
Boiled egg competition:10.15am the Judging will commence
10.30am. All age Easter worship
Church Family News
For information on any items please contact the Church Office: 0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10m-4pm)
Sunday Club for children aged 3 years old to Primary 7 meets in our halls following the Children’s Time – all children welcome! If you have younger children, feel free to stay in church with them, but if you need to leave, the Welcome Area at the main door is available.
The Neighbourly will meet on Wednesday 20 March at 2.15pm in the Small Hall with Hilary McDougall as the speaker. All welcome
Easter Eggs – At its meeting on 20 February, the Kirk Session agreed to support an appeal to the congregation for 60 Easter Eggs for the clients who attend the Meet and 2 Veg project in our church. This project supports some of the most vulnerable people in our community as well as saving tonnes of food which would otherwise go to landfill. Morrisons [and other stores] are currently selling the following Easter Eggs for £1.50 Cadbury’s Mini Eggs Chocolate Easter Egg, Cadbury’s Chocolate Buttons Easter Egg and Cadbury’s Freddo Easter Egg. Of course, other eggs are available!
If you feel you would like to support the project, please pass your Easter Egg to the Church Office or to Hilary. The Kirk Session will fund the purchase of 60 Easter cards bearing a Christian message which will be handed out with the Easter Eggs. This is low level Christian outreach which we hope will sow seeds of faith.
Easter code: That time of year when I’m looking for helpers: On Thursday 21 March we need 1 person to help with the snacks for West Coats Primary. For more information please speak to Karen Hamilton.
Easter Breakfast
If you would like to join us for breakfast (rolls and sausage /potato scone) on Easter Sunday before the morning service please add your name to the sign-up sheets which are in the welcome area and the large hall from today.
Boiled egg decoration competition: On Easter Sunday there will be a competition for EVERY age group: Under 5’s. P1-3,P4-6,P7-secondery age and Adults. Eggs can to be put on table outside the office before 10.15am on Sunday 31 March, when the judging will commence. Prize for each age group
Theatre Guild Glasgow presents “The Winner Takes it All”, a concert celebrating the musicals that won awards, and those that were robbed. On Friday 22 March, 7.30pm and Saturday 23 March 2.30pm and 7.30pm at Cambuslang Parish Church. Tickets available from
The Southside Showcase – Join us for a song at our spring fundraising concert on Monday 15 April at 8pm in the Church Hall. Tickets £5. Proceeds go to Scottish Action for Mental Health.
Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: tinned vegetables, UHT milk, rice pudding, tinned tomatoes and tinned fruit.
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to our Halls Convenor DFerek Burns email:moc.liamgnull@cpcsnrubkered
Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service.
Worship at Cambuslang Parish Church
Tuesday 19 March: Tuesday service at 11.45am
Sunday 24 March Palm Sunday: 10.30am – led by Rev David Denniston
Welcome Team: Isobel Allison, Mike Netten, Amanda or Neil Haig
Tea Team: Hazel Robb, Jinty Porter, Joyce Saddler, Bob McDougall
Locum Minister: David Denniston – moc.liamgnull@divad.notsinned
Deacon: Karen Hamilton DCS T: 07514 402612
Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK
Interim Moderator: The Rev Derek Hughes T: 07723 578573
Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@sehguhd
Our minister Rev Peter Nimmo is currently on sick leave