Cambuslang Parish Church
Sunday 26 November 2023 at 10.30am
Our worship is led by Elders from the Congregation
Scottish Charity Number SC000061
Christian Copyright Licence Number 203o
Welcome to worship!
Welcome and Announcements – Scott Hamilton
Call to Worship -Scott Hamilton
Hymn CH4 63 All people that on earth do dwell
Prayer of approach and confession (with Lord’s Prayer) – Susan Young
Hymn CH4 374 From heaven you came, helpless babe
Time with the Children- Janet Stewart
Song- If I were a butterfly
Readings: Ezekiel 34 vs 11-16 and 20-24 read by Linda Neeson
Matthew 25 vs 31-46 read by Alison Thomson
Hymn CH4 528 Make me a channel of your peace
Reflection – Lorna Morrison
Hymn CH4 544 When I needed a neighbour were you there, were you there?
(Offering brought forward during hymn)
Prayers of dedication, intercession and thanksgiving read by Robert Dickie, Graham Macgregor, Bob McDougall and Jim Nixon
Hymn MP 54 Bind us together, Lord
Blessing and Amen – Graham MacGregor
Go in Peace played as the Bible and Elders leave.
Church Family News
For information on any items please contact the Church Office: 0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10m-4pm)
Sunday Club for children aged 3 years old to Primary 7 meets in our halls following the Children’s Time – all children welcome! If you have younger children, feel free to stay in church with them, but if you need to leave, the Welcome Area at the main door is available.
Elders – Communion cards are available in the pigeonholes for collection & distribution.
Freewill Offering Envelopes for 2024 are available for uplifting in the Welcome Area. Should you no longer require envelopes or if you would like to start using this system to give your offering please contact David Black, FWO Convenor.
The Remembering Banner: If you wish to have a ribbon included on the Remembering Banner for a loved one, ribbons will be available from Linda Neeson after the service.
Parish Grouping Remembering Service this afternoon at 3pm at Flemington Hallside Parish Church. This service is for anyone who wishes to remember someone dear to them who has died.
Christians Against Poverty We are privileged to be hosting a joint meeting with our cluster group churches Burnside Blairbeth, Flemington Hallside & Stonelaw tonight at 6.30pm in the church – see attached leaflet. It is hoped that some of our congregation will be willing to come along.
As part of our ongoing support for the Congregation, I have been asked to form a group to hopefully visit all members who require one, whether at home or in hospital.
If you would like to join the team please contact me, Janet Stewart, either via email: ku.oc.egattocgnihtrafynnepnull@yj or by my mobile: 07850376703.
It would be of great help if you would let me know if this is something you would consider, also if you know of anyone who would benefit from a visit. This is an extremely important part of our Church work.
Communication – It would be helpful to have a “What’s On” section in the intimations to promote upcoming events. The office is only manned on a Thursday & if people want information outwith this, they need to respond to the organiser. If you wish to put something on “What’s On” by giving us your contact details in our media consent form this gives us your written permission to advertise in the intimations & on the website & folk can be in touch with you direct. Many thanks.
The Neighbourly will meet on Wednesday 29 November at 2.15pm in the Small Hall. Mrs Liz Allan is going to talk about Dr Elsie Inglis. All welcome.
Walking Group: The next walk will take place on Saturday 2 December. This is a fairly easy circular walk skirting round Kilsyth and returning to the start along the Forth and Clyde Canal. The length of the walk is just over 5.5 miles. Those interested in going on this walk should meet outside the Church at 8.30am. Travel will be in shared cars. As this is a short walk there is no need to bring a packed lunch. There will of course be a mid-morning break.
Gift Service (10 December): Gifts will be gratefully received for young people involved with Barnardo’s 16 + and for young families involved with Cambuslang Family Hub. Gift suggestions are attached and displayed on the Church notice board.
Christmas Unwrapped: With Christmas fast approaching we will be presenting “Christmas Unwrapped” to the Primary 6 children in Cairns, James Aiton and West Coats Primary Schools along with the Reachout Trust. This is a wonderful time where we share the story of Jesus Birth with the children in storytelling, verses from the bible drama, games and singing. The dates for these events are:
Friday 1 December, 9am to 11.45am, Cairns Primary School
Monday 11 December, 9am to 11.45am, Cambuslang Parish Church
Tuesday 19 December, 9am to 11.45am, Cambuslang Parish Church
As always it would be wonderful if we could have some helpers from the church. If you would like to help, or would like more information, and you hold a Church of Scotland Disclosure/PVG please speak to Susan Young our Safeguarding Coordinator or email her on ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@gnidraugefascpc
Thank you.
CPC Christmas Tree Festival 2023: this year’s Christmas Tree Festival will be held on Saturday 9 December from 10am to 4pm. The decorated trees will be displayed in the church sanctuary and entrance area and visitors will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite tree. There will be a coffee morning with home baking in the morning from 10am to midday, with coffees, teas and mince pies throughout the afternoon. We also hope to have a few festive themed stalls.
There will be a Carol Service from 3-4pm to which all members of the local community are welcome. The trees will remain on display for our Christmas Gift Service on Sunday, 10December, during which the winning entries will be announced.
Entry to the Festival is free for all ages. Any organisations wishing to enter a tree or looking for more information should contact Alison Thomson, ku.oc.evilnull@nosmohtjnosila
This is always a lovely festive event for all the family so please mark the date in your diary.
Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to 0ur Halls Convenor Derek Burns email: moc.liamgnull@cpcsnrubkered
Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service
Future Worship at Cambuslang Parish Church
Tuesday 28 November: Tuesday service at 11.45am led by Graham Macgregor
Sunday 3 December: 10.30am Communion Service led by Rev Ian MacKenzie
Tuesday 5 December: 11.45am Tuesday Service
Sunday 10 December 10.30am Gift Service led by Rev Tom Nelson
Next Sunday
Welcome Team: Jan Ladd, Isobel Allison, Mike Netten, Amanda or Neil Haig
Tea Team: May & Archie Fotheringham, Jan Ladd
Our minister Rev Peter Nimmo is currently on sick leave
Interim Moderator: The Rev Derek Hughes T: 07723 578573
Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@sehguhd
Our Deacon Karen Hamilton is currently on sick leave
Bringing hope to our community in Cambuslang & Rutherglen: running a CAP Debt Centre through the local church.
We are working alongside the other congregations in our ‘cluster’ of churches to explore the possibility of opening a CAP [Christians Against Poverty] centre in the Rutherglen and Cambuslang area. We will be holding a meeting on Sunday 26th November at 6.30pm in Cambuslang Parish Church for this purpose.
Nicky McLaughlin, CAP’s Church Partnership Manager for Scotland will speak at this meeting and answer any questions which we have. This will be an open meeting to everyone, and we would encourage as many folk as possible to attend in order to explore whether we are able to provide this service to our community. CAP’s Funding Manager, Aaron McDonald, will also be there.
CAP Debt Help offers free, professional debt counselling across the UK, through local churches. It’s unique face-to-face visit model means those who work with them receive a bespoke service that includes emotional and practical support through the local church community.
Running a CAP Debt Centre will help the church to:
- Reach people in debt and despair in our community.
- Share God’s love in a relevant way.
- Offer an award-winning debt counselling service.
- See people released from debt and poverty.
Tea & Coffee will be served in the large hall after the meeting.
This year the gifts will be shared between two projects:
Cambuslang Rutherglen Family support Hub is based at the Cambuslang Family Centre.
The vision for the family support hubs is to Provide a preventative, no wrong door response to requests for assistance and child police concern reports made to social work. Our aim is to Support families to engage with universal services, community resources and early intervention even if they don’t meet the threshold for social work intervention. When required we will provide the whole family with support from pregnancy until 18 to help families thrive and stay together safely. And we will Work closely with partners to ensure children and young people in need of care or protection are safeguarded.
The following are suggestions for gifts:
BARNARDO’S 16+ (Leaving Care Project). The following is a list of suggestions for gifts for male or female, 17 to 25years approx.
Thank you for your continued support.