

Cambuslang Parish Church

Sunday 5 November 2023 at 10.30am

Our worship is led by Deacon Karen Hamilton DCS

Scottish Charity Number SC000061

Christian Copyright Licence Number 2030

Welcome to worship!

Welcome and Announcements

Call to worship 

Hymn CH4: 739 The church’s one foundation 

Prayer of approach and confession (with Lord’s prayer) 

Children’s talk 

Hymn: CH4: 516 We are marching in the light of god

Bible reading: Joshua 3 : 7-17

                              Psalm 107         Read by Colin Fell


Reflection music

Hymn CH4: 511  Your hand, O God, has guided

During which the offering is brought forward

Prayers of dedication, thanksgiving and intercession 

Hymn CH4: 419 Thine be the glory


Amen, amen, alleluia, amen

Please stand as the Bible is taken out

Church Family News

For information on any items please contact the Church Office: 0141 642 9271 (Thursdays 10m-4pm)

Sunday Club for children aged 3 years old to Primary 7 meets in our halls following the Children’s Time – all children welcome! If you have younger children, feel free to stay in church with them, but if you need to leave, the Welcome Area at the main door is available.

Pastoral Visits – Due to our minister being on sick leave, our Deacon Karen is carrying out the majority of our pastoral visits. Would anyone who knows of anyone in our congregation who is ill at home or in hospital please contact Karen (details in the box below) or Linda Wunsch (0141 641 8880).  It is hoped that Karen will be able to visit them.

Communication – It would be helpful to have a “What’s On” section in the intimations to promote upcoming events.  The office is only manned on a Thursday & if people want information outwith this, they need to respond to the organiser. If you wish to put something on “What’s On” by giving us your contact details in our media consent form this gives us your written permission to advertise in the intimations & on the website & folk can be in touch with you direct.  Many thanks. 

The Neighbourly will meet on Wednesday 8 November at 2.15pm in the Small Hall. The Speaker is Dr David Porter. All welcome.

The ‘Churches Group’ Men’s breakfast –Saturday 11 November, at Wetherspoons in Cambuslang. We start at 8.30-8.45am, each person orders and pays for their own breakfast. We eat, drink and chat till around 9.30-10am. All are welcome.

Christmas Fayre: The Fundraising Team has decided not to go ahead with the proposed Christmas Fayre on 18 November.

Remembrance Sunday: We look forward to welcoming our youth organisations who will be on parade next Sunday.  Please note there will be a retiring collection for the Erskine veterans charity.
There will be a short act of Remembrance at 12 noon at the cenotaph in Cambuslang Park.  Enter from Mansefield Avenue.

The Remembering Banner: If you wish to have a ribbon included on the Remembering Banner for a loved one, ribbons will be available from Linda Neeson after the service each Sunday until the end of November.

Parish Grouping Remembering Service onSunday 26 November at 3pm at Flemington Hallside Parish Church. This service is for anyone who wishes to remember someone dear to them who has died.

Christmas…. Sorry for using the C word in November. Christmas unwrapped is coming up and we are looking for help. Friday 1st December Cairns primary school 9-11.45am ,Monday 11th & Tuesday 19th  December 9-11.45am In Church . You must be disclosed.  See Karen Hamilton.

Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: UHT milk, pasta sauce, tinned fruit, biscuits and sugar.

Meet and 2 Veg: Are you able to help on Monday or Wednesday evenings as key holders and/or volunteer drivers collecting food from stores? For more information please contact Jan Ritchie (01415832018).

Community Christmas Dinner:
We are hoping to host a Christmas dinner on Christmas Day in the church halls. This is being organised by Jane Bainbridge who is the facilitator for the ‘Meet & 2 Veg’ group. The meal will be between 12noon and 2pm, but in order for it to take place, we require a number of volunteers.
We are looking for some volunteers to peel vegetables and set up tables etc in preparation and to help serve the meal on Christmas day. We also require some members who are existing key holders to be there on the day. Hours that require coverage will be 6pm till 10pm on Christmas Eve for prep work. And 10am till 4pm on Christmas Day for prep work, cooking and serving the meal and clearing up afterwards. If you could give any time – even just 1 hour over these hours, that would be wonderful.
Please contact – Jane Bainbridge at the following e-mail moc.liamgnull@63514oicsepanac if you can volunteer and cc David Young (moc.dlrownepotbnull@34gnuoy.divad) so we can keep tabs on the people that are key holders and who will be volunteering.

Foodbank: A big thank you to everyone who supports the Foodbank by donating. The items most needed this month are: UHT milk, pasta sauce, tinned fruit, biscuits and sugar.

Christmas Cards: do you want to buy your Christmas cards & help the organisation? Lodging House Mission cards are for sale now. Pick up a brochure in the welcome area. If you phone them with your order & arrange for them to be picked up, you will save the delivery charge. Karen can get your cards at the beginning of November.

The Prayer Tree is situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church and community who wishes to add a prayer to it. You can write your prayer on one of the supplied labels, and either put it on the tree or into the prayer box. The ministry team will look at the prayers regularly and pray for you. ‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’ (Jeremiah 29.12).

Halls Convenor: please send any enquiries about hall bookings etc to 0ur Halls Convenor Derek Burns email:moc.liamgnull@cpcsnrubkered

Katharina Nimmo will be delighted to receive your announcements by Tuesday at 6pm for inclusion in the Order of Service

Worship this Week at Cambuslang Parish Church

Tuesday 7 November: Tuesday service at 11.45am

Sunday 12 November (Remembrance Sunday): 10.30am

Welcome Team: Linda & Tony Neeson, Helen Nisbet, Myra Paterson

Tea Team: Ohna Robertson, Carolann Brown, A McCabe, Colin Fell


Our minister Rev Peter Nimmo is currently on sick leave

Interim Moderator: The Rev Derek Hughes T: 07723 578573

Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@sehguhd

Deacon: Karen Hamilton DCS T: 07514 402612

Email: ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK