

FROM THE MINISTER                                                      OCTOBER 2023

To the members and friends of Cambuslang Parish Church

Dear friends,

As you know I have been off work once again since August. I am sorry if anyone has felt that I had not given out much information. At the beginning I felt I would be able to return much sooner than has proved to be the case, and there was little information I could share until now.

I’m afraid I have been afflicted once again with the fatigue which affected me after I caught Covid back in November 2021. This means I have far less energy than normal, and any physical or mental effort is very difficult. I am unable to work, and, indeed, have little energy for anything else. It is also hard to know if things are improving or not, and the level of fatigue varies day by day and even hour by hour.

Fatigue following illness is hardly new, but medical specialists have trouble understanding it. Covid 19 was also a new disease, the effects of which are not yet well understood. However, I am happy to say that I am now receiving positive help from the National Health Service.

I am also being assisted by the national Church of Scotland, and by the Presbytery of Glasgow. It is hard to make decisions when you are ill, but I am being well advised and cared for.

I have given almost 30 years to parish ministry in the Church of Scotland, responding to a call from God which came in my early twenties, so I am vexed to find myself in this situation.

I know that this is a difficult time for our congregation. I am pleased to know, however that you have the Rev Derek Hughes as your Interim Moderator. I trust you will give him, our Kirk Session, and my colleague Deacon Karen Hamilton your full support.

As you can imagine, this is a time of deep anxiety for my family and myself. We much appreciate all your support and prayers.

May God bless you and yours,
