Sunday 23rd October at 10.30

We are glad to welcome Rev Esther Ninian to lead us in worship this morning.
Scottish Charity Number: SC000061
Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you.
Call to Worship
Hymn: CH4 485 – Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Prayer and Lord’s prayer
Talk to the young folk
Hymn: CH4 530 – One more step along the world I go
Bible readings: 2nd Timothy 4:6-8: Luke 18:9-14
[Read by Mike Netten)
Hymn: CH4 402 – ‘Take up your cross’
Sermon: The race of faith
Reflective music
Hymn: CH4 517 – Fight the good fight
[During which time, the offering will be brought forward]
Prayers of thanksgiving and intercession
Hymn: CH4 535 Who would true valour see
Benediction and Amen

Church Family News
Please note that our Interim Moderator, Rev Derek Hughes is on annual leave until the 24th October and our Deacon, Mrs Karen Hamilton is on annual leave until 30th October. If you have any concerns about pastoral matters relating to yourself or others, please contact Rev Ian Cathcart of Flemington Hallside 07588 441895
The next Kirk Session meeting will be held this week on Tuesday 25th October 7.30pm in the Morriston Room.
Thank you to all those who provided a fabulous lunch last Sunday to celebrate Darren Jalland’s time with us. Darren’s service of Ordination will take place on Thursday 10th November at Old Machar church in Aberdeen. You should be able to watch the service on Old Machar’s Facebook page.
Pastoral Care Team lunch [with entertainment] for senior members and friends. This event for over 70’s who attend worship in CPC [Sundays and/or Tuesdays] will take place on Thursday 17th November 1-3.15pm in the Large Hall. Your invitation is available today for you to pick up in the Welcome Area.
Upcoming services
- Sunday 30th October – Mr Graham McGregor and Rev Hilary McDougall
- Sunday 6th November – Worship leader tbc.
- Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday, Worship leadertbc.
- Sunday 20th November – Worship leader tbc
The Tuesday service on the 25th October has been cancelled.
The Neighbourly – the Neighbourly will be meeting on Wednesday 26th October at 2.15pm in the Small Hall. Their speaker will be
Mrs Liz Allan, who will be speaking about Eleanor Roosevelt. Everyone will be very welcome.
Light Party – Our sister church, at Flemington Hallside are having a Messy Church Light Party on the 29th October 3-4.30pm. This is a scare free alternative to Hallowe’en and is suitable for families of primary age children. There will be arts and crafts, games, stories, food and a whole lot of fun.
The Country Dance Club is taking place on Thursday evenings in the Kirkhill Halls on Cairns Rd at 7.30pm. A warm welcome is extended to all.
Phoenix Choir concert in aid of church funds – the concert is taking place in the sanctuary on Sunday 20th November at 2pm. Tickets are now on sale from members of the Fundraising Team, Tony Neeson, Robert Dickie, Alison Thomson, Janet Stewart and Bob McDougall and Ohna Robertson.
Pantomime tickets – The Fellowship Team invite all members of the congregation to ‘Cinderella’, a pantomime performed by Theatre South Productions. The show is taking place in our Large Hall on Saturday 26th November at 3pm. Tickets cost £10 and include tea/coffee/mince pies [juice and crisps for the children] after the show. There may also be a visit from a very special VIP! If you have ordered tickets please pass payment to Susan Young by Sunday 30th October. Thank you.
The Prayer Tree is situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church and community who wishes to add a prayer to it.
‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’ Jeremiah 29 v12
Hilary will be delighted to receive your intimations by Wednesday at 5pm each week for inclusion on the Order of Service. moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih

Dates for your diary – [see new December dates]
Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday with organisations on parade
23rd-26th November – Theatre South Productions performs
Cinderella with some familiar faces and plenty of laughs for the family. Tickets will be released in September.
Saturday 27th November – Parish Grouping Remembering service 3pm
Sunday 4th December – Communion
Saturday 10th December – Pastoral Care Team coffee morning and Christmas Tree festival 10am
Saturday 10th December – Community Carol Concert 3pm
Sunday 18th December – Nativity Play [tbc]
Saturday 24th December – services tbc
Sunday 25th December – Family worship
Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP
Please note, Rev Nimmo is currently on leave of absence.
For pastoral matters please contact Karen Hamilton, our Deacon or the church office.
ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK 07514402612
Church Office: 0141 642 9271
Session Clerk: ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@krelcnoisses

Exhibition of Arts and Crafts
I hope you have been preparing some works for our Arts and Crafts exhibition which will be held on Saturday 29th October in our church.
The arrangements for the exhibition are as follows:
- The exhibits shall be displayed in the Welcome Area and Large Hall depending on the number of items submitted.
- Your work should be handed into the church preferably on Friday 28th October between 7.30pm-9.30pm. Works may be accepted early on Saturday morning, but Friday evening is the preferred time so that the committee can organise the presentation of the works.
- A note should be included with your work stating your name, the title of your work and your telephone contact number. Should you be prepared to sell your work, the price should also be indicated. In the event of selling a work it would be good if a small percentage donation of the selling price could be donated to church funds.
- The actual exhibition will take place on Saturday 29th October between 9.30am – 4pm.
- After the exhibition you can collect your work on Saturday between 4.30pm-6pm. It is hoped that some selected items from the exhibition can remain on display in the church until after the Sunday service.
- A cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit will be served during the exhibition.

Should you require any further information or guidance please do not hesitate to contact:
Tony Neeson 0141 641 3220
Alastair MacFarlane 07977 419739