Dear Congregation,
Over the last few weeks, a small number of people from Burnside Blairbeth, Cambuslang, Flemington Hallside and Stonelaw congregations have met with the aid of a facilitator to discuss the formation of a cluster and a mission plan, as directed by the Church of Scotland General Assembly and Glasgow Presbytery. This has been a necessary step to try to address the significant changes in the church going population and the availability of ordained ministers and other centrally funded posts.
Within our cluster we currently have equivalent 5 full time centrally funded posts. Under the proposed new plan this will be reduced to equivalent 3 ½ full time posts.
These changes will not happen overnight, and further discussion is still to be had as to how we as a cluster feel these posts can best be used within our cluster.
As our congregations face unprecedented change, we agree to do so prayerfully, looking to Jesus. We agree to continue Cluster meetings, sharing outcomes with Presbytery, Sessions and congregations. We agree to explore examples of Christian ministry which are less minister-centric and seek to use the gifts of all God’s people. We agree to nurture and encourage our congregations towards becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. We agree to refocus our activities on engaging with our communities afresh.
We will focus on engaging with each other to meet the needs in our communities as an out-pouring of our commitment to Christ. Endeavour to support each other in discipleship and sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Yours in faith
Scott Hamilton
Session Clerk
Cambuslang Parish Church