


Sunday 12th June at 10.30 am

Today we celebrate our children

and those involved in their Christian education

Scottish Charity Number:    SC000061

Welcome to worship, it’s good to see you.

Choir Introit: In the cross of Christ I’ll glory

Welcome and intimations

Call to worship

Hymn: CH4 160 Praise my soul the King of Heaven

Prayer and Lord’s prayer

Talk 1: The children share what they enjoy about Sunday Club

Songs: God’s love is bigger than a burger

               Fruits of the Spirit

Bible Reading:  Exodus 20:1-21

Talk 2: Perfect Day

Reflective music: Holy Spirit, come now

Hymn: CH4 196 Come now is the time to worship

(during which the offering is brought to the Table)

Celebration – Nicola

Prayers for others

Hymn: CH4 110: Glory be to God the Father

Blessing and Amen

             Church Family News

Church ASM – The Annual Stated Meeting of Cambuslang Parish Church will take place next Sunday, 19th June, immediately after the service, in the sanctuary.  We hope as many of the congregation will be able to attend.  Copies of the accounts for your perusal are available in the vestibule & please let Linda Wunsch know if these run out.

Evening stroll – the next evening stroll will take place on Thursday 16th June.  This will be a 4-5 mile dander on the country roads around Auldhouse.  If you would like to come along and join the fun, meet at the church at 6.30pm on the day. See you there!

Upcoming services – over the summer period our worship will follow the theme of animals in the Bible.  Services will be slightly shorter and accessible for all ages.

Don’t forget to bring a tea towel back from your holidays for the church kitchen– let’s see if we can gather 20 tea towels from our outings and holidays this year.  We’ll make a display in the church hall in September and we’ll see how many towns and countries have benefitted from a visit from a member of Cambuslang parish Church. Hand your tea towel to Anna Inglis or Hilary McDougall for safekeeping in the meantime.

Meet & 2 veg are looking for volunteers to help collect items from Greggs in Western Rd and Tesco in Hamilton Rd  between 8 15 – 8 45 pm on Mondays or Wednesdays and bring to the church building. If you can help, please contact Jan Ritchie  0141 583 2018.

The Prayer Tree is situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church and community who wishes to add a prayer to it.

‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’  Jeremiah 29 v12

Hilary will be delighted to receive news/intimations for the Order of Service.  Please send them to Hilary  0141 641 857 moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih


Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP

Please note, Rev Nimmo is currently on leave of absence.

For pastoral matters please contact either Karen Hamilton, our Deacon or Darren Jalland, our Probationer Minister 

ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@dnallaJD 07846506367

ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK 07514402612

Church Office: 0141 642 9271


Session Clerk: ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@krelcnoisses