


Sunday 20th March at

Our service of worship is led this morning by

Mr Darren Jalland, our Probationer Minister and Mrs Karen Hamilton our Deacon.

Welcome to worship this morning – it’s good to see you.

Choir Introit: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty

Welcome, Introduction and call to worship

Hymn: MP 481- Name of all majesty

Prayer of Approach

Chat with the children

Hymn: MP 957 – We want to see Jesus lifted high

Introduction to Bible readings

Bible Readings:   1 Corinthians 10:1-13 & Luke 13:1-9

                                                                            Margaret Black


Reflective music

Hymn:  CH4 503 – I Will Offer Up My Life

(During which the offering is brought to the Table)

Prayer of thanksgiving and intercession and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn:     MP 528 – O worship the King        


Church Family News

The congregation held an Away Day meeting last Saturday. It was time to reflect on where we see ourselves as a congregation and where we want to be going. There was much interesting discussion, which with God’s guidance, we hope will translate into positive mission in the near future. The Kirk Session meets this coming week, to continue the conversations…… watch this space. Please pray for our Eldership as they lead us and care for us.

Reachout Easter Holiday Club for p4-p7 at Flemington Hallside Church 5th and 6th April 9.30am-4pm each day

Easter eggsitement – Easter craft activities for families at CPC on Friday 15th April 10-12pm

Messy Church at Flemington Hallside Church on Saturday 16th April 3-5pm

Easter Breakfast – Sunday 17th April 2022

Easter breakfast will be available in the church hall at 9:30am following the early service Cambuslang Park.

If you wish to join us, please add your name to the signup sheets which will be in the main entrance and the large hall from this Sunday.

The Guild will meet in the Large Hall on Monday 21st March and will welcome our own Darren Jalland to speak about his journey into ministry. Come along and support Darren.

The Neighbourly meets on Wednesday 23rd March at 2.15pm in Small Hall and look forward to hearing from Mr David Atkins from Glasgow Parks. All are welcome.

A musical evening with the Arietta Choir and with refreshments on Saturday 23rd April – tickets priced at £10 are on sale today and available from Tony Neeson, Alison Thomson, Bob McDougall, Ohna Robertson and Robert Dickie.

Church plant sale and tea room on Saturday 14th May – we are looking for helpers to plant hanging baskets ready for the church plant sale. If you are able to help, please contact Janet Stewart.

Pack your rucksack and be ready for the next outing of the Church Walking Group. The next walk is on Saturday 2nd April, to the ruined cottage at Stronmacnair. This will involve a car journey to Kinlochard and then a choice of a ‘high level’ walk of 10.4 miles or a ‘low level’ walk of 7.8 miles, the group will all walk together until after the ruined cottages.

Those interested in going should meet outside the Church at 8:30 am. As usual, a reminder on the Friday prior to the walk. It is helpful if you let David Black know if you intend to go on the walk. moc.yksnull@1d_kcalB

Hilary will be delighted to receive news/intimations for the Order of Service. Please send them to moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih 01416418574


Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP

Please note, Rev Nimmo is currently on leave of absence.

For pastoral matters please contact either our Deacon, Karen Hamilton or Probationer Minister Assistant: Darren Jalland

ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@dnallaJD 07846506367

ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK 07514402612

Church Office: 0141 642 9271


Session Clerk: ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@krelcnoisses

Scottish Charity Number:    SC000061