Sunday 27th February at
Our worship is led this morning by our Probationer Minister, Mr Darren Jallend and our Deacon, Mrs Karen Hamilton
Choir Introit: Oh sing a new song to the Lord
Welcome, Introduction and call to worship
Hymn: MP 50 Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Prayer of Approach
Chat with the children
Hymn: Fruit of the Spirit
Bible Reading: Luke 9:28-36 – Jeanette Alexander
Hymn: MP 179 Go tell it on the mountain
Instrumental music: music from St Matthew’s Passion
Hymn: MP 445 Shine Jesus shine
(during which the offering is brought to the Table)
Prayer of thanksgiving and intercession
Hymn: MP 41 At the name of Jesus
Church Family News
Tea, coffee will be served in the large hall after worship today.
World Day of Prayer service will take place this Friday at 2pm in Burnside Blairbeth Church and all are welcome.
Congregational Away Day – would you like to be involved in future planning for our congregation? Members of the congregation are invited to attend a congregational Away Day on Saturday 12th March, 10am-3pm at Easterhouse Parish Church. Our focus will be on future planning. Further details for anyone interested can be obtained from Bob McDougall. 0774673359 Lifts will be available for those who require transport.
Celebration of Holy Communion – this will take place on Sunday 6th March and will be led by Rev Sheila and Rev Graham Blount.
Elders, please pick up envelopes for Districts from your pigeonholes.
Can you help the Cambuslang and Rutherglen Foodbank? Items which are in short supply at present, include:
Jam, UHT milk (full fat or semi skimmed), tinned fruit, rice pudding, custard, tinned pasta, tinned fish, sugar, diluting juice and coffee. Please place your donations in the Foodbank box in the Welcome Area.
Easter Code is a workshop of activities for local primary schools that the Ministry Team leads in partnership with the Reachout Trust.
We are really delighted to be doing this in person and need 1 volunteer to help at West Coats Primary School 9am -3pm on the 4th March [either morning or afternoon session] and 1 volunteer to help at James Aiton Primary, 9am-12noon on the 8th March.
If you can help, please speak to our Deacon, Karen Hamilton. 07514402612
The Guild are meeting in the large hall on Monday 28th February and will be focusing on the Guild theme, ‘Home for Good’.
The Neighbourly meets on Wednesday 2nd March at 2.15pm in Small Hall and will welcome Anne Marie Clements from the LEAP charity.
Tuesday services – our midweek service is at 11.45am. If you know anyone who has struggled to get back to church, please let them know of our shorter half hour service and invite them to come along.
The Prayer Tree is once again situated inside the main door entrance, for anyone in the church or community who wishes to add a prayer to it.
‘Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.’
Jeremiah 29 v12
Upcoming events
- A musical evening with the Arietta Choir on Saturday 23rd April
- A church plant sale and tea room on Saturday 14th May
- Church family ceilidh on Saturday 21st May
Hilary will be delighted to receive news/intimations for the Order of Service. Please send them to moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih 0141 641 8574
Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP
Please note, Rev Nimmo is currently on leave of absence.
For pastoral matters please contact either our Deacon, Karen Hamilton or Probationer Minister Assistant: Darren Jalland
ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@dnallaJD 07846506367
ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK 07514402612
Church Office: 0141 642 9271
Session Clerk: ku.gro.hcruhchsirapgnalsubmacnull@krelcnoisses
Scottish Charity Number: SC000061

As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus. Luke 9:29-30