SUNDAY 9th January 2022 at 10.30 am
2nd Sunday after Christmas
Welcome to Sunday worship. If you are visiting or here for the first time, you are very welcome. Please introduce yourself at the end of the Service to Mr Darren Jalland, who is leading our worship this morning.
In accordance with Covid guidelines, we ask that you take your order of service home with you. Thank you.
Order for worship
Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn: MP 1086 ‘Light of the World’ [Here I am to worship]
Prayer of Approach and Confession
Children’s talk
Hymn: MP 454 ‘Majesty, Worship his Majesty’
Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 Mike Netten
Instrumental music – This thankful heart
Hymn: MP 673 ‘There is a Redeemer’
(During which the offering is brought to the Table)
Prayers of Thanksgiving, Intercession and Dedication
Hymn: MP 1039 ‘Light up the Fire’ [Colours of Day]
Church Family News
- Service on the 16th of January will be conducted by the Rev. Esther Ninian.
- Following discussions with the Church of Scotland Covid group, all meetings of The Guild are cancelled up to and including Monday 17th January when the situation will be reviewed.
- The Kirk Session will meet via Zoom on Tuesday 11th January at 7.30pm. The meeting will be moderated by our Interim Moderator, Rev Derek Hughes.
- All meetings of The Neighbourly are cancelled until further notice.
- A meeting of the Fundraising Group will be held on Thursday 13th January at via Zoom.
- There are a few FWO envelopes awaiting collection on the table in the entrance. Please uplift them as you leave the Church.
- The Worship Team will meet on Thursday 27th January at 7.30pm. Lorna will confirm nearer the time if the meeting will be in person or on Zoom.
- Due to current restrictions the re-opening of the Community Café has been postponed.
- Foodbank: Please remember the families who are struggling at this time. We have now resumed collection of items for the Foodbank. Please leave any items, which you wish to donate, in the box provided in the entrance and vestibule.
- Hilary will be delighted to receive news/intimations for the Order of Service. Please send them to moc.liamgnull@llaguodcmnyralih 0141 641 8574
Minister: The Rev Peter W Nimmo 0141 586 2126 ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@ommiNP
Please note, Rev Nimmo is currently on leave of absence.
For pastoral matters please contact either our Deacon, Karen Hamilton, or Probationer Assistant: Darren Jalland
ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@dnallaJD 07846506367
ku.gro.dnaltocsfohcruhcnull@notlimaHK 07514402612
Church Office: 0141 642 9271
The Church Office will be manned every Thursday
from to
Scottish Charity No: SC000061