Dear Friends,
The impact of Coronavirus on the operation of our Church and premises has led to an immediate crisis for the finances of our Church. To secure the medium and long-term future of our Church you are being asked by the Stewardship Team to set up your regular contribtion via a standing order. If you already have a standing order, then thank you. At the same time, we are also asking you to review the level of your regular giving and, if you are able, increase this to help provide a sustainable income for our Church.
During the pandemic we have:
• Lost all of premises rental income (25% of our usual income) .
• Not been able to fundraise as we usually would.
• Experienced a massive reduction in regular giving as the Church has been closed for worship.
• Limited all expenditure- but most are unavoidable fixed costs.
The consequences of this are:
• As of August, we are facing a deficit of £25,000 .
• By the end of the year this will be £40,000.
With agreement from the Kirk Session, we are therefore reaching out to each member and adherent to help address this deficit through a special appeal in the form a one-off donation. The aim of this appeal is to raise at least £25,000 to cover the current deficit, but it would be fantastic if we were able to raise sufficient funds to cover the expected full year deficit of £40,000.
Donations to the special appeal can be made by any of the following routes:
- By cheque payable to Cambuslang Parish Church (please write special appeal on the back).
- By payment direct the Cambuslang Parish Church account: please contact us for details.
- By cash (which can be collected by your Elder or handed in at the Sunday service).
- By donation into the Special Appeal box (underneath the thermometer in the church foyer.
- By credit or debit card on the way into Church.
- Online via the Church website.
- By texting CPCNOWXX (where XX is a value in £) to 70085.
As you may know, if you are a taxpayer your donation can be boosted by 25% from the UK Government via Gift Aid. This is suitable for regular and one off donations. If you are not familiar with Gift Aid, this leaflet from the Church of Scotland explains everything.
Thank you very much in advance for your generosity and help in securing the finances of our Church.
NB A letter from our Minister was also included in the Special Appeal sent out to members and adherents.