Stand Up For Sunday

Cambuslang Parish Church 1 Arnott Way, Cambuslang, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Anual Stated Meeting

Cambuslang Parish Church 1 Arnott Way, Cambuslang, Glasgow, United Kingdom

The Annual Stated Meeting will be held on Sunday 15th March 2020 directly after the Service. Copies of the Annual Accounts are available for uplift from the table in the Vestibule.

[Postponed] Afternoon Tea

Cambuslang Parish Church 1 Arnott Way, Cambuslang, Glasgow, United Kingdom

The Fellowship Team invite you to Afternoon Tea in the Large Hall on Saturday 21st March from 2.00.p.m. to 4.00.p.m. Tickets priced £5.00 will be on sale in the Welcome Area after Sunday’s Service. In addition to delicious cakes and sandwiches, there will be a Regifting Stall and we would welcome donations of gifts you […]


Sunday Evening Discussion


Peter, our new minister, would like to invite you to an online discussion on Sunday night. It’ll be a chat about Sunday’s Sermon, with a chance to ask questions. However the chat could take us in any direction, as this is just as much about giving Peter a change to get to know folks, and […]