The Finance Committee will consist of The Treasurer, WFO Convenor, Gift Aid Convenor, Stewardship Convenor (Plus Assistants if appropriate) and 3-5 other members including the Minister/s.
The Committee will meet monthly to agree Accounts to be presented to Kirk Session and to discuss the financial situation of the church.
The Treasurer will be a member of the Fabric Team and will report the discussions from that Team to the Finance Team.
The Finance Committee will be responsible for the Count Teams, Rotas, all necessary paperwork and Bank bags to ensure the smooth running of the Offering count and any other income.
Team Members:
David Black, Jean Black, Allan Brown, Fiona Brown, Grace Gray, Bob McDougall, Jim Nixon, Janet Stewart & Linda Wunch
Colin Fell
email: moc.liamgnull@llefsjniloc
Tel: 0771 540 7676
Jeanette Alexander
email: ten.klatklatnull@xelaettenaej
Tel: 0141 641 2861